About Good Robot

We love a good beer.

What started as an obsession with craft beer has become a state-of-the-art manufacturing and canning facility for all kinds of drinks.

After years of making beer and beverages at Good Robot Brewing, our passion led us on a journey to bring top-quality manufacturing and co-packing to Atlantic Canada. Now, we’re working with other beverage companies to produce at scale and prepare for global markets. We help teams streamline their production, improve their products and grow their businesses in Nova Scotia and beyond.

About Good Robot.

We are a brewery and beverage manufacturing company with three hospitality venues in Nova Scotia. We brew a variety of beverages beyond beer (including seltzer, cocktails and more), which are available throughout Nova Scotia and across Canada. We were proud to be named Business of the Year by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce in 2024 and Innovator of the Year by Food and Beverage Atlantic in 2023.

Meet our team.

We’ve assembled an experienced, quality-obsessed team with over 100+ years of combined brewing experience to help brewers, wineries, and beverage makers of all kinds grow and innovate.

Production team at The Beverage Factory by Good Robot Brewing in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Let’s Talk.

Want to learn more about how our team can help you win?

Reach out any time to schedule a chat, at no obligation.

Joshua Counsil, Co-founder of Good Robot Brewing and The Beverage Factory

Chat with Josh.
